Katikati College Katikati College

Level 3 Innovative Horticulture

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Recommended Prior Learning

Completed Horticulture Level 2 or Business Studies Level 2 or Science Level 2 with at least 14 credits or by negotiation with the Innovative Horticulture Manager.

The modular nature of these courses requires you to be able to work independently so self-management and a responsible attitude are essential.

This is a modular personalised course to suit each student’s needs. 

Students may take Achievement Standards or Unit Standards or both. They choose which standards would like to do.

A typical personalised programme will be made up of 16-20 credits.

Achievement Standards are available in Agriculture/Horticulture and/or Agribusiness/Business Studies.

Students can gain UE in  either Agriculture/Horticulture or Agribusiness/Business Studies. Very capable students may wish to do both.

Students must be able to self-manage an independent course of learning.


Innovative Horticulture

Career Pathways

Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Beekeeper, Arborist, Farmer/Farm Manager, Biosecurity Officer, Crop Worker, Crop Farmer/Manager, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Forestry Scientist, Landscaper, Groundsperson, Nursery Grower/Worker, Packhouse Worker, Quarantine Officer, Orchard Farmer/Manager

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Clearfile, refill, laptop


Course selection will depend on the option lines and student numbers. There is no guarantee that the courses you select now will all be available for you in 2024.