Katikati College Katikati College

Level 2 Physics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Recommended Prior Learning

Must pass level 1 Physics Mechanics external (recommend Merit or Excellence) and either Electricity external or internal. minimum 10 credits at Level 1 Mathematics (including Algebra).

This is an ideal course for students who want to extend their scientific knowledge and skills in Physics. Physics is an essential prerequisite for careers in engineering of all types and is also very important for things like architecture, medicine and aviation. Physics demands a good level of skills in mathematics.

The course has 18 Level one Literacy credits and 12 Numeracy.




Level 3 Physics

You must have done level 1 Physics and Maths to do level 2 Physics.

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Cost: Workbooks approx. $30


Course selection will depend on the option lines and student numbers. There is no guarantee that the courses you select now will all be available for you in 2024.