Katikati College Katikati College

Level 1 History

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr P. Besley.

Recommended Prior Learning

TIC and/or HoF discretion

History provides an opportunity for learners to understand how the past has shaped and influenced our understanding of both ourselves and the world around us. In the past, people have challenged society and what has been “normalised” to make changes for the better.

You will learn about what caused society to be the way it was and what caused the challenges by people and groups. You will learn about the effects of these events on people at the time and since and how these events have been viewed by the people involved.

History prepares learners for the future because it equips them with knowledge and skills, such as the ability to effectively communicate ideas and make them clear to others. We will also explore the importance of belonging and being connected to both people and place, as well as the importance of having a place to stand, where people feel secure, safe, respected, and accepted for who they are.

Key topics that we will explore include the American Civil Rights Movement and Protest in New Zealand e.g. 1981 Springbok Rugby Tour and  the 1975 Land March. We also look at global conflict such as World War 2 and the Cold War.

All of the standards in this course contribute towards literacy.


Social Sciences


Level 2 History


Course selection will depend on the option lines and student numbers. There is no guarantee that the courses you select now will all be available for you in 2024.