Katikati College Katikati College

Level 1 Geography

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Meade.

Recommended Prior Learning

TIC and/or HoF discretion

Geography is the study of te taiao and the interconnections within. We consider the question "What Is Where, Why There, and Why Care?" (Charles F. Gritzner (2002), Journal of Geography, 101:1, 38-40) so we can make sense of place.

Te taiao consists of all things that make up the surrounding environment. This includes features such as rivers, mountains, people, buildings, and infrastructure. Te taiao can exist at different scales and can be located wherever we place ourselves.

Features of te taiao are all closely interconnected, including people. We stand in te taiao and are intrinsically part of it. Therefore, in Geography, we attempt to consider geographic issues holistically.

Units of learning in Level 1 Geography include:

- Environmental distribution and its impact(s) on people and place
- Current Geographic Issues
- Natural Processes - e.g. Climatic, Fluvial
- Geographic Research - Local awa study
- Geographic Skills - Maps, graphs, aerial photos, satellite images, Google Earth application etc
- Important people, places and events from NZ and around the world


Social Sciences


Level 2 Geography

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Field trip costs.


Course selection will depend on the option lines and student numbers. There is no guarantee that the courses you select now will all be available for you in 2024.