Katikati College Katikati College

Level 1 English

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

Year 10 English

Level 1 English is a combination of internally and externally assessed Achievement Standards informed by two big ideas. 

The first Big Idea Language and identity are inextricable, emphasising how our reading and production of texts is informed through our identity and how our identity informs our understanding through a focus on voices of Aotearoa and The Pacific 

The second Big Idea that informs these standards is Making and creating meaning through processes that occur when we interpret and when we produce text allows the learner to engage in a real way with that text. Enjoyment is enhanced and learners are enriched when they have the ability to use language with control and respond critically to texts.

Course Overview

Term 1
1.2 response to literature text study with a focus on writing and reading skills

Term 2
1.2 response to literature text study with a focus on writing and reading skills

Term 3
1.3- Writing task-
Writing prompts released- 15 weeks to complete writing portfolio1.2 response to literature
Studied text

1 piece of writing

Term 4
1.4 Close reading unfamiliar texts
90 minute exam


Languages and Literacies


Level 2 English

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will need a laptop or tablet device, preferably with a keyboard.
1B5 text book for writing


Course selection will depend on the option lines and student numbers. There is no guarantee that the courses you select now will all be available for you in 2024.